We grow brands with the power of people...

Banana Gray connects brands to  their target audience wherever they are in the digital landscape. Our campaigns boost awareness, increase  engagement, and build brand loyalty across demographics. 

Grab consumer attention on the platforms that matter most to your target audience

Spotify Marketing

Turn up the volume on your campaigns with Spotify Marketing.

Spotify, is  the worlds largest streaming service, boasting a subscriber base of 188 million US users, a number that is hard to ignore. After all, listening to music is a social activity that positively affect mood and puts listeners  in a mind state that makes them more inclined to engage socially with brands.

Spotify’s unique ad formats like audio ads, podcast ads and video ads make it easy for music and podcast listeners to learn about your products and services wherever they are. 

Spotify offers standard targeting options like location, audience demographics and interests, but also unique targeting options like in-car streaming, current playlist and music genre listened to before hearing your ad. 

Tik Tok Marketing

Build an engaged, passionate customer base with Tik Tok Marketing.

Tik Tok is the world’s most popular video sharing app with a user base well over 1.4B. It is important to note that 80% of US Tik Tok users are between the ages of 16-34 and spend more than 1.5 hours a day on the platform.

When it comes to engagement Tik Tok is king, earning an engagement rate of 6x more than any other platform. Tik Tok’s ability to create viral experiences and trends is unmatched. 

With an array of advertising objectives at your disposal brands can customize campaigns to drive awareness, generation leads, boost engagement, increase traffic and conversions or drive app installs.

Target users by gender, age, location, income, interests and how they interact with content and creators on the platform.

Nextdoor Marketing

Turn neighbors into customers with Nextdoor Marketing.

Nextdoor bills itself as a social media platform for your  neighborhood and community. The platform currently has over 33 million monthly active users and  280,000 active neighborhoods.

Nextdoor provides brands with an unprecedented opportunity to target  communities and turn neighbors into customers. With 25% of conversations amongst its users being local advice exchanges, when it comes to boosting local awareness and generating recommendation based business, Nextdoor is king.

Brands can form strong customer relationships based on trust and expand their influence at the grassroots level through word-of-mouth. 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know directly and with Nextdoor’s focus on neighborhood and community, its power as a marketing platform is undeniable.

Hulu Marketing

Put your brand on millions of screens with Hulu Marketing.

Hulu is a popular streaming service that lets users watch tv shows, movies, live sports and live tv.  Its over 155 million users, make it one of the leading over-the-top (OTT) platforms .

Hulu’s advertising platform lets brands show ads between the regularly scheduled commercial breaks between shows.  It gives you the power to tailor custom content to a large, engaged audience on a personal level in households all over the world.   

Targeting options, like location, interests, demographics, and local reach help you narrow your audience to make sure your advertising budget is being spent effectively. Connect with viewers who are most likely to be interested in your brand, make a purchase and become loyal customers. 

Creative . Social . measurable

We collaborate with brands to launch campaigns that resonate with all walks of life. Using actionable consumer insights, to create memorable experiences that cause positive interactions with your brand. Behavioral and demographic provide the groundwork for a  cohesive plan to achieve your  business goals. 

Social Media Advertising

Our social media advertising campaigns grab the attention of your audience wherever they are. We take your brand image, message and persona and customize content that is tailored to the format of the chosen distribution platform. Effectively generating leads that are primed for conversion. 

Google Advertising

Get in-front of customers who are actively searching for your product or service and are ready to take action right now! Bid for keywords that are relevant to your business and stand out on search engines. Boost traffic, increase leads and grow revenue. 


Collaborate with creators who align with your brand message to produce  experiences that forge meaningful connections.  Speak to your audience in a genuine voice  and build customer loyalty through trust and authenticity.

Influencer Marketing

We love creators. Expression is powerful. Not only can creators  be themselves, they can use their creative prowess to partner with  brands and positively impact the lives of people who follow them. For brands, the results are high quality content, increased reach, influence and engagement.

NIL Marketing

Athletes and the connection between them and their fans is one forged by loyalty and trust. NIL presents brands with and unprecedented opportunity to leverage these relationships to increase reach and influence. Create unforgettable experiences and form authentic relationships with passionate hyper-targeted audiences.

Who we work with

Small businesses

Promote your products and services to customers both locally and nationally. Generate new leads and guide  them down the path to conversion. 

Large brands

Boost engagement, strengthen brand perception and  increase global influence. Hit KPIs and improve ROI across all digital platforms. 


Find your target audience and increase brand awareness. Connect with customers and build a community  that is passionate about your products.

Marketing managers

Collaborate with us to execute a marketing plan that meets your business objectives. Whether its brand awareness or engagement, we can help you reach your goals. 

Tell us about your brand  by submitting the form below.