Write for us

Thank you for your interest in writing from Banana Gray. We welcome different perspectives from writers that provide insights to businesses large and small on how to generate leads and grow their customer base.

Topics of Interest

1. General Digital Marketing

2. Influencer Markering 

3. NIL Marketing 

4. Social Media Advertising


 5. Lead Generation

 6. Content Marketing

 7. Industry News

Writing Criteria

We publish original content only. We do not syndicate articles or post articles that have already been published.

Your article should be a well researched in-depth article with a 1000 word minimum. Give our audience insights and tips they can act on. 

Support your article with great resources like links, research papers, studies and  data from industry experts. Credibility goes a long way. 

Please include a picture and a bio of no more than 150 words with your submission.

Email us your submission. We’ll review your article and let you know whether it’s a potential fit.